Why Choose Bookish Adventure?

Why Choose Bookish Adventure?

Have you ever wondered what makes my guides different from other book club or unit study options? Let's dive into the six ways Bookish Adventures is different (and better) than the other options out there. 


Modern & Classic Books

I choose to offer a variety of literary choices for our families. I believe there is value to be found in both modern and classic literature. I do not believe that all modern middle-grade novels are rubbish. There are plenty of talented, brilliant writers today. I also see the value in classic books that have stood the test of time in the eyes of children. We do not need to choose a camp. Let us not deprive our children of great literature whether it is from now or times past.


Fully Curated Resources

When you purchase a guide from my shop I want you to feel like you have received value. I read through each book and take meticulous notes on topics and areas of exploration that I think will be of great interest to your family. Then I do the leg work of researching high-quality resources for you. My guides are not just a schedule or list of topics, but a resource for you and your family.


Novel Activities Tailored to Each Unique Story

Unlike other guides where many activities are the same regardless of the book, my guides include activities specifically tailored to that literary adventure. I offer a variety of activities that cover science, geography, history, language arts, arts & crafts, and fun & games. You can tailor your month to your children's specific interests and abilities. Only you know what activities work best for your family. So you will not find that each month you are doing narrations when you know your kids do not enjoy them. You get to pick! I provide structure and flexibility in my guides so you to create a fun and inviting literary experience for your family.


Age Levels for the Whole Family

At Bookish Adventure I create three levels of guides: Bookworm, (4-6 year olds), Page Mage (7-10 year olds), and Ink Drinker (11-12). This allows you to choose books that suit your children best. If you have a wide variety of ages this lets you find a level that is in the middle of your ages or alternate between different levels (that is what we are doing this year!).


Immersive Learning Not Lengthy Monologues

I promise you will not find a single lengthy page filled with rote facts that you have to read to your children in my guides. Instead, I have curated engaging picture books, videos, podcasts, foods, poems, morning basket resources, and activities for you to learn alongside your children.


Books Lists of Books You Can Actually Find

Have you ever purchased a curriculum to find out that the entire booklist is filled with books that are out of print, hard to find, or outdated? Yeah, me too. My guides are filled with books that you can actually find and take advantage of beautiful pictures of the past and the present. And if you cannot get a hold of a book, when available, I link to a quality online read-aloud of the picture book.


I hope that if you download a Bookish Adventure Guide you will can experience the joy of immersive learning through a variety of resources right alongside your children! My goal is to provide resources that create a restful and engaging homeschool. I have found that those two things make a homeschool that lasts.


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